Partner 8: KU - University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

With over 37,000 students and more than 7,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen ( is the largest institution of research and education in Denmark. Activities take place in various environments ranging from the plant world of the Botanical Gardens, through high-technology laboratories and auditoriums, to the historic buildings and lecture rooms of Frue Plads and other locations. On 1 January 2007, the University merged with The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

The two universities are now faculties at the University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences: The imaging unit is led by Professor Eiliv Svalastoga and comprises two associate Professors, 1 clinical radiologist, one adjunct, two PhD students and 4 technical staff. Based at Copenhagen Universities Frederiksberg Campus, it provides clinical service to the veterinary teaching hospitals within the University.  It serves as a training centre for undergraduate and post graduate students. There is a heavy commitment to collaborative research.  The unit has on site access to digital radiology, ultrasound, computed radiography, and DXA scanning. Quantitative aspects of digital imaging are a particular focus for the unit.

Tasks inside the project

KU contributes as task leader in WP3 and WP6 by utilisation of ultrasound scanning and computer tomography to indicate the gonadal development and energy storage. Ultrasound scanning methods will be further developed and validated as non-invasive techniques for routine application in WP1 and WP6. 

Relevant experience regarding major tasks

KU has worked with P1 and P10 in a series of Danish project to reproduce European eel (ROE II and ROE III) during the period 2005-2008. Ultrasound scanning and computer tomography has been applied to eels for reproduction experiments in order to follow the development of ovaries during induced maturation and examine the reallocation of body stores to the during the maturation process. Based on this KU has started elaborating a non-invasive method to monitor development. 

Project participants

Professor Eiliv Svalastoga contributes with CT-scanning analyses, fatty acid contents and energy allocation during female development.

Dr. Fintan McEvoy is an ultrasound specialist and works with development of non-lethal methods to estimate ovarian development.

Ph.D. Lene Buelund (Co-financed by DTU Aqua) will take part in the CT and Ultrasound image analyses in relation to lipid contents and ovarian development. 

Relevant publications

McEvoy FJ, Madsen MT, Svalastoga EL  Influence of age and position on the CT Number of adipose tissue in pigs.  Obesity (2008) 16 10, 2368-2373.

McEvoy FJ, Tomkiewicz J, Jarlbaek H and Svalastoga E. Ultrasonography and CT of the European Eel: Potential applications in reproductive management (abstract).  International Veterinary Radiogical Association / American Veterinary Radiological Association Joint Meeting 2006, Vancouver.