Media News


Web coverage

Innovation Union 2011. Presentation of research and innovation published by the European Commission
NTNU Fact Sheet1008-2011: European eel culture The eel is still a mystery!


Television coverage

Media center for the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: Interview with Dr. Juan Asturiano from ICTA-UPV about the PRO-EEL project and importance of working with European eel (Spanish) upv tv.jpg
Media center for the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

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Spanish television RTVV Canal 9: 
Interview with Dr. Juan Asturiano from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, UCTA-UPV about the work with European eel and the PRO-EEL project.
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Newspaper coverage

Levante. El mercantil valenciano. “Europa fía a la Politécnica el futuro de la anguila”. 29/3/2011. 36.454 copies; 262.469 readers (In Spanish) 
Las Provincias. “La UPV fomenta la cría de la anguila europea”. 29/3/2011. 34.396 copies; 158.222 readers (In Spanish)


Web coverage News 0707-2010: Researchers support the future of eel 07072010.jpg
 DTU News, Technical University of Denmark 0107-2010: Forskere vil sikre ålens fremtid (Danish)
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 AquaCircle 0207-2010: Forskere vil sikre ålens fremtid (Danish) 
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 IntraFish Media 0807-2010: Eel aquaculture project seeks to reverse wild population decline 
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 Science Centric 0707-2010: Researchers support the future of eel
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 World Fishing Today 0807-2010: Saving future of eel through research  
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 GrowFish 0907-2010: PRO-EEL project aims for self-sustainable aquaculture
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FIS Denmark 0907-2010: PRO-EEL project aims for self-sustainable aquaculture
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19 JANUARY 2025