The 7th and 8th PRO-EEL SSC meeting in Paris 30th Oct. to 1st of Nov. 2013
The combined 7th and 8th SSC meeting was held in Paris at the Muséum National d'Historire Naturelle hosted by Sylvie Dofour and Anne-Gaëlle Lafont (CNRS). As the PRO-EEL project is now in its final period, this SSC meeting focused on evaluation of project status, dissemination of results, synthesis of knowledge gained, and reporting of the project.
Sixth PRO-EEL SSC meeting held in Brussels the 8th of November 2012
The 6th SSC meeting was held in Brussels and focussed on sharing overview of project progression, dissemination, etc. and was coordinating reporting of the second periodic report.
PRO-EEL third project meeting in Valencia the 28th - 29th of May 2012
PRO-EEL group photo taken 28th of May 2012 during the Project Meeting following the Collaborative Workshop at the Polytechnical University of Valencia.
Following the 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop, a two day’s Project Meeting was held at Polytechnic University of Valencia. Here all Project Partners and participants had the opportunity to present current status of their work. The meeting was organized according to Work Packages and Tasks to share knowledge gained and optimize collaboration across Work Packages and among Partners as well as identifying any shortcomings potentially hampering progress. The EU Project Officer Stamatios Varsamos attended these two days and provided constructive feedback on scientific progress, collaboration and dissemination. In total twenty-seven talks were presented, overviewing work progress and status all around the project’s scientific work packages. A third day additionally provided the opportunity for partners to collaborate in scientific clusters related to specific work area, and for the Dissemination Board of the project to meet and discuss guidelines for the dissemination of work.
Fifth Scientific Steering Committee meeting held in Valencia, 26th May
The Scientific Steering Committee was gathered in Valencia for the 5th SSC meeting. The meeting was held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Topics included discussion of current status and plans for the coming series of collaborative experiments as well as dissemination through future participation in conferences and publication of results. The SSC comprises WP leaders and representatives from all partners.
“We make good progress in all areas of the PRO-EEL project. Important to this success is the well-functioning coordination of the scientific work through our Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and Project meetings” says Project Coordinator Jonna Tomkiewicz, DTU.
Fourth Scientific Steering Committee meeting held in Brussels, 9th November 2011
The PRO-EEL Steering Committee met 9th of November in Brussels at CreoDK. The Steering Committee includes representatives of the 15 project partners and in addition the PRO-EEL project officer Dr. Stamatis Varsamos from the European Commission attended the meeting. Topics included evaluation of project progress and planning of future activities. This comprised besides research activities also future participation in conferences, organization of the 3rd project meeting in Valencia 26-30 March and the planning of the 1st PRO-EEL collaborative workshop.
Activities of the PRO-EEL team in 2012 of interest to the scientific and stakeholder networks include:
- 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop in Valencia, 27th March 2012 - everybody is welcome to participate
- 6th World Fisheries Congress, Edinburgh 7 - 11 May 2012 – PRO-EEL participation and presentation of results
- Aqua 2012, 1 - 5 September, Prague, Czech Republic - PRO-EEL participation and presentation of results.
The research activities of the PRO-EEL project progresses as planned and the work of the consortium is coordinated through meetings of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and Project meetings. The SSC includes WP leaders and representatives from all partners. The timing and location of meetings are illustrated along the timeline of the project and past meetings described beneath.
The 4th SSC meeting held in Brussels 9th of November 2011. Photo Sune Riis Sørensen.
Third SSC meeting held in Copenhagen, May 2011
Recently the 3rd PRO-EEL SSC meeting was held in Copenhagen hosted by the coordinator at DTU Aqua. Like the previous SSC meetings an important task was to establish protocols and evaluate experimental output including provision of samples and reporting of data to participants. However, this meeting also focused on the ongoing reporting of the first project period (1.4.2010-31.3.2011) and dissemination of project results. In total, 13 out of 15 partners participated.
A dissemination board under the SSC was established to develop and implement a dissemination strategy. The dissemination board includes the coordinator Jonna Tomkiewicz (DTU Aqua), WP leaders: Sylvie Dyfour (CNRS), Sadisavam Kausik (INRA), Juan Asturiano (ICTA-UPV) and Peter Bossier (UGent).
This meeting was held concurrently with the conductance of second experimental series, where many beautiful batches of eel larvae were produced in the joint experiments at Lyksvad research facility, which was exiting news to discuss too.
The 3rd SSC meeting held in Copenhagen at Charlottenlund Castle 11th to 12th May 2011. Photo Sune Riis Sørensen.
Second SSC meeting and second project meeting held in Ghent December 2010
The second SSC meeting was held in Ghent 8th December combined with a series of scientific work package cluster meetings WP1-2, WP 3-7 and WP8-9 taking place 7th and 9th of December. The purpose of the cluster meetings was to coordinate the activities among closely related WPs.
Below is a picture of the beautiful Ghent city taken during the meeting period and a photo of the many project participants taking part in the meeting.
Group photo taken during the 2nd SSC meeting in Ghent the 8th of December 2010. Photo Sune Riis Sørensen, DTU.
Night scene from Ghent taken during the 2nd SSC meeting and WP cluster meetings in Ghent the 7th to 9th of December 2010. Photo Sune Riis Sørensen, DTU.
PRO-EEL Kick-Off meeting (first project meeting) held in Copenhagen, June 2010
The project kick-off meeting was held at the Conference centre Schaeffergarden in Copenhagen 21-23 June 2010. The project meeting was attended by 27 project participants from 7 different countries and the Project Officer Dr. Stamatios Varsamos from the European Commission. After a very constructive and fruitful meeting at dinner was arranged at DTU Aqua located at Charlottenlund Castle and a picture the attendees can be seen here.
PRO-EEL kick off meeting at DTU Aqua, Charlottenlund Castle, June 2010.
The first PRO-EEL SSC meeting in Paris, May 2010
The first Steering Group meeting (SSC) was held in Paris in 18 May 2010 in order to initiate the project, plan and coordinate activities.