International conference contributions
For other conference contributions see here
Presenting author in bold
Neutens, C., De Dobbelaer, B., Claes, P. & Adriaens, D., 2015. 3D surface-based morphometrics used to determine the intraspecific differences within the tail of syngnathid fishes. Annual meeting Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (West Palm Beach, USA). (oral presentation).
De Meyer, J., Ide, C., Belpaire, C., Goemans,, G. & Adriaens, D., 2015. The search for the onset of head shape bimodality in European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Annual meeting Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (West Palm Beach, USA). (oral presentation).
Bouilliart, M., Tomkiewicz, J., Lauesen, P., Okamura, A. & Adriaens, D., 2015. Between the jaws of the leptocephalus larva: biomechanically approaching a rarely observed organism. Annual meeting Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (West Palm Beach, USA). (oral presentation).
Bouilliart, M., Tomkiewicz, J., Lauesen, P., Okamura, A. & Adriaens, D. Between the jaws of the leptocephalus larva: biomechanically approaching a rarely observed organism. Oral presentation at the 6th International Meeting on Cranio-cervical Systems in Vertebrates, 7-10 July 2015, Ghent, Belgium.
Bouilliart, M., Tomkiewicz, J., Lauesen, P., Okamura, A. & Adriaens, D. Between the jaws of the leptocephalus larva: biomechanically approaching a rarely observed organism. Oral presentation at the 39th Annual Larval Fish Conference, 12-17 July 2015, Vienna, Austria
Rojo-Bartolomé, I., L. Martínez-Miguel, A.G. Lafont, D.S. Peñaranda, M.C. Vílchez, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, I. Cancio. Ribogenesis molecular markers of oocyte differentiation in European eel Anguilla anguilla: transcriptional regulation during artificially induced oogenesis. Oral presentation at 5th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, 7-11 September 2015, Ancona, Italy.
Asturiano J.F., Baeza R., Vilchez M.C., Gallego V., Peñaranda D.S., Tveiten H., Pérez L., 2014. Fatty acid dynamics during induced sexual maturation in male European eel. Relationship with steroids and sperm quality parameters. Poster presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Baeza, R., I. Mazzeo, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, D.S. Peñaranda, H. Tveiten, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Water temperature effect on fatty acid mobilization in male European eels during sexual maturation and relationship between fatty acids, steroids and sperm quality parameters. Poster presentation at 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 25-30 May 2014, Olhão, Portugal.
Butts, I.A.E., R. Baeza, J.G. Støttrup, M. Krüger-Johnsen, C. Jacobsen, L. Pérez, J. Tomkiewicz, J.F. Asturiano. Fatty acids influence male reproductive performance in European eel. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Derouiche, E., Kraiem, M.M. & Elie, P. 2014. Escapement rate and population size of European silver eel in Ichkeul Lake (northern Tunisia). Communication orale. International Eel Symposium, 14th American Fishery Society Annual Meeting (AFS 2014). 17-21 Août 2014, Quebec City, Canada.
Kása, E., M.C. Vílchez, M. Morini, D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, B. Urbányi, Á. Horváth. Vitrification of the sperm of European eel (A. anguilla): investigation of different protocols. Poster presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Kjørsvik E., Wold P.-A., Bardal T., Davidsen M., da Silva F.G., Tomkiewicz J., Sørensen S.R. 2014. Muscle development in European eel Anguilla anguilla yolksac larvae and effects of egg incubation temperature. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Martínez-Miguel, L., I. Rojo-Bartolomé, M.C. Vílchez, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, I. Cancio. Molecular markers of oocyte differentiation and maturation in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) during artificially induced oogenesis. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Morini, M., M.C. Vílchez, A.G. Lafont, D.S. Peñaranda, V. Gallego, S. Dufour, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez. Influence of temperature regime on the vitellogenesis of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Poster presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Morini, M., Peñaranda D.S., Vílchez M.C., Gallego V., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi R., Asturiano J.F., Weltzien F.-A., Pérez L., 2014. Molecular characterization and expression of progestin receptors and PLCZ1 in European eel through spermatogenesis. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Peñaranda, D.S., M. Morini, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, I. Mazzeo, R.P. Dirks, G.E.E.J.M. van den Thillart, H. Tveiten, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano. Temperature as modulator of the steroidogenic process in European eel: migratory implications. Oral presentation at 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 25-30 May 2014, Olhão, Portugal
Peñaranda, D.S., M.C. Vílchez, Pla D., Gallego V., Sanz L., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., Calvete J.J. 2014. Identification of major proteins from the seminal plasma of hormone induced sexual matured European eels Anguilla anguilla – Correlations with sperm quality. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 2014 14-17 Oct. San Sebastian Spain.
Pérez L., Vílchez V., Gallego V., Herráez M.P., Morini M., Baeza R., Peñaranda D.S., Asturiano J.F., 2014 Intracellular Potassium and sperm motility in the European eel. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 2014 14-17 Oct. San Sebastián Spain.
Rozenfeld C., Butts I.A.E., Tomkiewicz J., Mazurais D., Zambonino J., 2014. Maternal mRNA expression in European eel eggs and embryos and its relationship to offspring development competence. Poster presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Santangeli, S., M.C. Vilchez, F. Maradonna, G. Gioacchini, C. Verdenelli, V. Gallego, D.S. Peñaranda, H. Tveiten, L. Pérez, O. Carnevali, J.F. Asturiano. Effect of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus on sperm quality and on the expression of genes involved in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) spermatogenesis. Poster presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Silva da F.F.G., Tveiten H., Lafont A.G., Dufour S., Støttrup J.G., Kjørsvik E., Tomkiewicz J., 2014. Final oocyte maturation and egg quality in European eel Anguilla Anguilla induced in vivo. Poster presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Tomkiewicz, J., Butts, IAE, Sørensen SR, De Schryver P, Zambonino-Infante J, Mazurais D., Bouillart M, Adriaens D, Kjørsvik E, Politis SN ,Støttrup JG, Kaushik S, Corraze G, Munk P, Krüger-Johnsen M. Reproductive success and survival of European eel larvae: Recent progress towards closing the life cycle in captivity. Annual meeting of the East Asia Eel Resource Consortium (EASEC), Gwangju, Korea, September 29-30, 2014. Invited presentation.
Tomkiewicz J., Butts I.A.E. Sørensen S.R., Politis S.N., Lauesen P., Krüger-Johnson M., Graver C., 2014. Production of European eel embryos and larvae in culture. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 2014 14-17 Oct. San Sebastián Spain.
Vílchez, M.C., M. Morini, D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, A. Depincé, E. Kása, C. Labbé, Á. Horváth, J.F. Asturiano. Comparison of two validated methods for cryopreserving European eel (Anguilla anguilla) sperm: standardization as target. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Vílchez, M.C., D. Pla, V. Gallego, L. Sanz, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, J.J. Calvete, D.S. Peñaranda. Identification of major proteins from seminal plasma of hormone-induced sexual mature European eels (Anguilla anguilla). Correlation with sperm quality. Oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Vílchez, M.C., I. Mazzeo, R. Baeza, D.S. Peñaranda, V. Gallego, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez. Modulatory effect of temperature on ovulation and larval development in the European eel. oral presentation at Aquaculture Europe 14 (AE2014), 14-17 October 2014, San Sebastián, Spain.
Vílchez, M.C., I. Mazzeo, D.S. Peñaranda, V. Gallego, S. Dufour, F.-A. Weltzien, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez. Effect of thermal regime on vitellogenesis, ovulation and larval development of European eel. Poster presentation at 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 25-30 May 2014, Olhão, Portugal.
Vílchez, M.C., M. Morini, D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, A. Depincé, E. Kása, C. Labbé, Á. Horváth, J.F. Asturiano. Cryopreserving European eel (A. anguilla) sperm: comparison of two methods for standardization. Oral presentation at V Jornadas Ibéricas de Ictiología, 24-27 June 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
Asturiano, J.F., S.R. Sørensen, L. Pérez, P. Lauesen, J. Tomkiewicz, 2013. Effect of preservation temperature and cryopreservation on European eel sperm fertilization capacity. First production of larvae using cryopreserved sperm. Poster presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Baeza, R., I. Mazzeo, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Effect of thermal regime on fatty acid mobilization in male European eels (Anguilla anguilla) during hormonally-induced spermatogenesis. Relationship with sperm quality parameters. Poster presentation at 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013 15-19 July 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Baeza, R., I. Mazzeo, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Fatty acid mobilization in male European eels during induced sexual maturation. Effect of thermal regime and relation with sperm quality parameters. Oral presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Bouilliart M., Tomkiewicz J., Lauesen P., & Adriaens D. (2013). The feeding apparatus of first feeding European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae: a functional morphological approach. Oral presentation at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual meeting, 3-7 January 2013, San Francisco, USA.
Bouilliart M., Tomkiewicz J., Lauesen P. & Adriaens D. (2013). Is the leptocephalus larva capable of biting? Analyzing the morphological limitations of the feeding apparatus in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Oral presentation at the 10th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 8-12 July 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
Bouilliart M., Tomkiewicz J., Lauesen P. & Adriaens D. (2013). Exploring the feeding mystery of leptocephalus larvae: a mouth full of teeth. Oral presentation at the Aquaculture Europe Annual Meeting, 9-12 August 2013, Trondheim, Norway.
Bouilliart M., Tomkiewicz J., Lauesen P. & Adriaens D. (2013). Exploring the feeding mystery of leptocephalus larvae: a mouth full of teeth. Oral presentation at the 6th Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium, 2-5 September 2013, Ghent, Belgium.
Butts, I.A.E., Pérez, L., Støttrup, J., Kruger-Johnsen, M., Tomkiewicz, J., & Asturiano, J.F. 2013. Dietary fatty acids influence male reproductive success in the European eel: Preliminary results. Oral presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes 2013. Algarve, Portugal.
Butts, I.A.E., Sørensen, S.R., Politis, S.N., Lauesen, P., & Tomkiewicz, J. 2013. Techniques for rearing European eel during early life history. Aquaculture Europe 13. Oral pres. at Trondheim, Norway.
Butts, I.A.E., Sørensen, S.R., Politis, S.N., Lauesen, P., & Tomkiewicz, J. 2013. Development of techniques and technology for embryonic and larval rearing of the European eel. Poster pres. at Larvi2013 - 6th fish and shellfish larviculture symposium. Ghent, Belgium.
Corraze G., Støttrup J., Larroquet L., Tomkiewicz J. and Kaushik S., Comparison of broodstsock lipid stores in farmed and wild European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in link with reproductive performance Aquaculture Europe 13, August 9-12th 2013, Trondheim, Norway. (Poster)
De Schryver, P., Sørensen, S.R., Skov, P.V., Lauesen, P., Tomkiewicz, J. (2013). Microbial interference and potential control in the production of European eel Anguilla anguilla larvae. Aquaculture Europe 2013, August 9-12, Trondheim (Norway)
Gallego, V., M.C. Vílchez, D.S. Peñaranda, L. Pérez, M.P. Herráez, J.F. Asturiano, F. Martínez-Pastor, 2013. The hormonal treatment used to induce spermiation in European eel affects the motility subpopulation pattern. Poster presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Morini, M., D.S. Peñaranda, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, R. Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, J.F. Asturiano, F.-A. Weltzien, L. Pérez, 2013. Evolution of DHP receptors expression in European eel testis through induced spermatogenesis. Poster presentation at 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013 15-19 July 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Morini, M., D.S. Peñaranda, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, R. Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, J.F. Asturiano, F.-A. Weltzien, L. Pérez, 2013. Evolution of PLCZ1 expression in European eel testis through induced spermatogenesis. Poster presentation at 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013 15-19 July 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Morini, M., D.S. Peñaranda, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, R. Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, J.F. Asturiano, F.-A. Weltzien, L. Pérez, 2013. Evolution of DHP receptors and PLCZ1 expression in European eel testis through spermatogenesis. Oral presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Peñaranda, D.S., M. Morini, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, I. Mazzeo, R.P. Dirks, G.E.E.J.M. van den Thillart, H. Tveiten, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Temperature affects the European eel spermiation modulating the testis steroidogenesis: physiological and migratory implications. Poster presentation at 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013 15-19 July 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Peñaranda, D.S., M. Morini, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, I. Mazzeo, R.P. Dirks, G.E.E.J.M. van den Thillart, H. Tveit en, L. Pérez, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Temperature affects the European eel spermiation modulating the testis steroidogenesis. Oral presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Pérez, L., I. Mazzeo, D.S. Peñaranda, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, S. Dufour, F.-A. Weltzien, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Modulatory effect of temperature on vitellogenesis and ovulation in the European eel. Poster presentation at 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013 15-19 July 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Pérez, L., M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, I. Mazzeo, D.S. Peñaranda, F.-A. Weltzien, S. Dufour, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Trying to reproduce the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) under captivity: experiments with females. Planned oral presentation but cancelled due to medical reasons during Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture, 23-25 October 2012, Olsztyn (Poland). Publication: Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture (ISBN: 978-8362863-31-0) pp. 11-15.
Santangeli, S., F. Maradonna, G. Gioacchini, C. Verdenelli, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, L. Pérez, O. Carnevali, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Effect of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus on Anguilla anguilla testis. Poster presentation at 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. ICCE 2013 15-19 July 2013 Barcelona, Spain.
Santangeli, S., F. Maradonna, G. Gioacchini, C. Verdenelli, M.C. Vílchez, V. Gallego, L. Pérez, O. Carnevali, J.F. Asturiano. Effect of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus on the expression of genes involved in European eel spermatogenesis. Poster presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Støttrup, J.G1., Tomkiewicz, J., Jacobsen, C., Krüger-Johnsen, M., Holst, L.K., & Lausen, P. 2013. Development of a broodtsock diet to improve embryonic development competence in female European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Aquaculture Europe 13. Trondheim, Norway. 1 Butts, I.A.E. presented on behalf of the authors.
Sørensen, S.R., V. Gallego, L. Pérez, I.A.E. Butts, J. Tomkiewicz, J.F. Asturiano, 2013. Evaluation of methods to determine sperm density for the European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Poster presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.
Sørensen, S.R., Gallego, V., Pérez, L., Butts, I.A.E., Tomkiewicz, J., & Asturiano, J.F. 2013. Quantitative methods to determine sperm density for the European eel, Anguilla anguilla. Oral presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes 2013. Algarve, Portugal.
Tomkiewicz, J., Støttrup, J.G., Corraze, G., Kausik, S., Holst, L.K., McEvoy, F., Dufour, S., Lafont, A.G., Asturiano, J.F., Sørensen, S.R., Tveiten, H., De Schryver, P., Butts, I.A.E., Munk, P., Zambonino-Infante, J., Politis, S.N., Krüger-Johnsen, M., & Lauesen, P. 2013. Reproduction of European eel and larval culture. Oral pres. at Aquaculture Europe 13. Trondheim, Norway.
Tomkiewicz, J., Støttrup, J.G., Corraze, G., Kausik, S., Holst, L.K., McEvoy, F., Dufour, S., Lafont, A.G., Asturiano, J.F., Sørensen, S.R., Tveiten, H., De Schryver, P., Butts, I.A.E., Munk, P., Zambonino-Infante, J., Politis, S.N., Krüger-Johnsen, M., & Lauesen, P. 2013. Reproduction of European eel and larval culture: state of the art. Oral pres. at Larvi2013 - 6th fish and shellfish larviculture symposium. Ghent, Belgium.
Vílchez, M.C., I. Mazzeo, R. Baeza, V. Gallego, D.S. Peñaranda, J.F. Asturiano, L. Pérez, 2013. Effect of thermal regime on the quality of eggs and larval development of European eel. Oral presentation at 4th International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 17-20 September 2013, Faro, Portugal.

Bouilliart, M. J. Tomkiewicz, P. Lauesen, D. Adriaens. 2012. The feeding apparatus of first feeding European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae: a functional morphological approach. 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology (Brussels, Belgium). (Oral presentation)
Bouilliart, M., Tomkiewicz, J., Lauesen, P., Adriaens, D. 2012. Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus in preleptocephalus larvae in European eel (Anguilla anguilla): getting ready towards feeding. 14th European Congress of Ichthyology (Liège, Belgium). (Oral presentation)
Burgerhout, E., de Wijze, D., Henkel, C., Minegishi, Y., Brittijn, B., Dirks, R., Spaink, H. & van den Thillart, G., 2012. Tissue transcriptome analysis: applications for eel aquaculture. Oral presentation at European Aquaculture Society 2012; September 1-5, Prague, Czech Republic. (Oral presentation)
Corraze G., Fontagné-Dicharry S., Stottrup J., Holst L.K., Larroquet L., Jacobsen C., Tybjerg L., Tomkiewicz J and Kaushik S., 2012. Impact of broodstock nutrition on the quality of tissue lipids and reproductive performance in European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Poster presentation at XV Int. Symp. Fish Nutrition and Feeding, 4-7 June 2012, Molde, Norway. (Poster)
Dufour, S., Rousseau, K., Neuroendocrinology of fish metamorphosis and puberty, Invited oral communication, 7th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, 3-6 September 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Oral presentation)
Dufour, S., Pasquier, J., Lafont, A.G., Maugars, G., Morini, M., Jolly, C, Fontaine, R., Rousseau, K., Pasqualini, C., 2012, Impact of genome duplication on fish neuroendocrine functions, 38ème colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie, 19-21 September 2012, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (Invited oral communication)
Heinsbroek L., Støttrup J.G., Jacobsen C., Corraze G., Kraiem M., Holst L.K., Tomkiewicz J., Kaushik S., 2012. Broodstock nutrition of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). Oral presentation at XV Int. Symp. Fish Nutrition and Feeding, 4-7 June 2012, Molde, Norway. (Oral presentation)
Heinsbroek L., Ulloa Rojas J.B., Verreth J.A.J.. Effect of dietary lipid level and fatty acid composition on deposition, utilization and conversion of fatty acids in European eel Anguilla anguilla L. AQUA2012, 2-6 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (Oral presentation)
Lafont A.G., Morini M., Pasquier J., Rousseau K., Dufour S. 2012. Involvement of the duplicated leptin/leptin receptor system in the sexual maturation of the European eel, Anguilla Anguilla. 38ème colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie, 19-21 September 2012, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (Poster)
Lafont AG, Morini M, Pasquier J, Rousseau K, Dufour S. 2012. Duplicated leptin/leptin receptor system in a basal teleost, the European eel. 7th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, 3-6 September 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Poster)
Mazzeo I., 2012. Molecular building of developing eel (Anguilla anguilla) oocytes: histological, biochemical and spectroscopic studies. World Aquaculture Society-European Aquaculture Society annual meeting. September 2012, Prague (Czech Republic), Abstract book, p700. (Poster presentation)
Mazzeo I., Baeza R., Gallego V., Vílchez M.C., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Study of thermal regime effect on fatty acid mobilization in European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) males during induced sexual maturation. World Aquaculture Society-European Aquaculture Society annual meeting. September 2012, Prague (Czech Republic), Abstract book, p701. (Poster presentation)
Minegishi Y, Henkel C, de Wijze D, Dirks R., Burgerhout E, Jansen H, Spaink H, Dufour S, Weltzien FA, Tsukamoto K, van den Thillart G. 2012 The European eel genome provides the basics for optimization of artificial maturation protocols. Oral presentation at 6th World Fisheries Congress. Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World, Edinburgh (Scotland), Abstract book p132.
Pasquier J, Lafont AG, Rousseau K, Dufour S. 2012. Origine and evolution of the kisspeptin/kisspeptin receptor system in vertebrates, 38ème colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie, 19-21 September 2012, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (Poster)
Pasquier J., Lafont A.G., Rousseau K., Dufour S. 2012. Diversity and evolutionary history of the Kiss/Kissr system in vertebrates: new data from fish genomes, Oral presentation at the 7th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, 3-6 September 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tomkiewicz J., Støttrup J., Sørensen S.R., Lauesen P., Munk P., Jacobsen C., Kaushik S., Corraze G., Tveiten H., Asturiano J.F., Pérez L., McEvoy F., Graver C., Krüger-Johnsen M., Dufour S., Lafont A.G., Kjørsvik E., van Delsen B., Holst L.K., 2012. Reproduction of European eel: towards a self-sustained aquaculture (PRO-EEL). Oral presentation at 6th World Fisheries Congress. Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World, Edinburgh (Scotland), Abstract book p132.

Burgerhout E, Brittijn SA, Kurwie T, Decker P, Dirks RP, Palstra AP, Spaink HP & Van den Thillart GEEJM. Artificial reproduction of the New Zealand short-finned eel and hybridization with the European eel. Oral presentation at European Aquaculture Conference EA2011, Rhodos 18-21 October 2011 (Greece).
Cabrita, E., Martínez-Páramo, S., Engrola, S., Dinis, M.T., Asturiano, J.F., Sarasquete, C., 2011. Sperm cryopreservation from grouper, eel, bass and other fish species: advances and applications. Oral presentation at the World Aquaculture Society 2011 meeting, 7-10 June 2011, Natal, Brazil. Book of Abstracts, p. 194.
Corraze, G., Stoettrup, JG, Holst, L.K., Larroquet, L., Jacobsen, C, Tybjerg, L., Kaushik, S., and Tomkiewicz, J. Modulation of stored lipid reserves through broodstsock nutrition and reproductive success in European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Poster, European Aquaculture Conference EA2011, 18-21 October 2011, Rhodes, Greece.
Gallego, V., Carneiro, P.C.F., Mazzeo, I., Vilchez, M.C., Baeza, R., Peñaranda, D.S., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Standardization of European eel sperm motility evaluation by CASA software. Poster at the 3rd International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 7-9 September 2011, Budapest, Hungary. Book of abstracts. Pp.: 144-145.
Gallego, V., Martínez-Pastor, F., Mazzeo, I., Peñaranda, D.S., Herráez, M.P., Asturiano, J.F., Pérez, L., 2011. Role of intracellular changes in calcium, potassium and pH in the initiation of European eel sperm motility. Oral presentation at the 3rd International Workshop on Biology of Fish Gametes, 7-9 September 2011, Budapest Hungary. Book of abstracts. Pp.: 73-74.
Gallego, V., Mazzeo, I., Carneiro, P.C., Baeza, R., Vilchez, M.C., Peñaranda, D.S., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Study of thermal regime effect on European eel (Anguilla anguilla) males reproductive performance during induced sexual maturation. Poster at the 9th International Symposium on Reproductive Biology of Fish, 9-14 August 2011, Kochin, India. Book of abstracts. Pp.: 221-222.
Guido E.E.J.M. van den Thillart, Danielle L. de Wijze, Ron P. Dirks, Yuki Minegishi, Herman P. Spaink. Eel-specific cellular implants and bioassays toward artificial maturation of the European eel. Oral presentation at European Aquaculture Conference EA2011, Rhodes 18-21 October 2011 (Greece).
Mazzeo, I., Baeza, R., Gallego, V., Vilchez, M.C., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Study of thermal regime effect on fatty acid mobilization in European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) females during induced sexual maturation. Oral presentation at European Aquaculture Conference EA2011, Rhodes 18-21 October 2011 (Greece) Abstract available here.
Mazzeo, I., Peñaranda, D.S., Gallego, V., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Tveiten, H., Weltzien, F.A., Asturiano, J.F., Pérez, L., 2011. Effect of thermal regime on the expression of sex-related genes in female European eel. Poster at the 9th International Symposium on Reproductive Biology of Fish, 9-14 August 2011, Kochin India. Book of abstracts. Pp.: 36-37.
Mazzeo, I., Peñaranda, D.S., Gallego, V., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Tveiten, H., Weltzien, F.A., Asturiano, L. Pérez, L., 2011. Temperature effect on expression of P450 aromatase, zona radiata proteins, and androgen receptors, and plasma levels of E2 in female European eel during induced sexual maturation. Oral presentation at the 8º Congreso Asociación Ibérica de Endocrinología Comparada, 5-7 September 2011, Madrid, Spain.
Minegishi Y., Henkel CV., de Wijze D.L., Dirks R.P., Burgerhout E., Jansen H.J., Spaink H.P., Dufour S., Weltzien F.A., Tsukamoto K., van den Thillart G.E.E.J.M. (2011). The european eel genome provides powerful new tools for optimizing artificial maturation protocols. GIA,13-16 September 2011, Heraklion, Greece.
Pasquier J., Lafont A.G., Rousseau K., Dufour S., 2011. Investigation of the kisspeptin system in the European eel. Conference of the PhD school of the Marine Science Center, University Pierre & Marie Curie, 14-15 September 2011, Paris, France.
Peñaranda, D.S., Herranz, V.G., Gallego, V., Mazzeo, I., Carneiro, P.C., Dirks, R.P., van den Thillart, G.E.E.J.M., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Gene expression regulation of steroidogenic enzymes in European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) males during induced sexual maturation under three thermal regimes, and relationship with sperm quality parameters. Poster at European Aquaculture Conference EA2011, 18-21 October 2011, Rhodes, Greece. Abstract available here
Peñaranda, D.S., Mazzeo, I., Gallego, V., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Weltzien, F.A., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Gene expression regulation of P450 aromatase, GnRH and androgen receptors in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) males during induced sexual maturation. Poster at the 8º Congreso Asociación Ibérica de Endocrinología Comparada, 5-7 September 2011, Madrid, Spain.
Pérez L., Vílchez M.C., Gallego V., Mazzeo I., Peñaranda D.S., Weltzien F.-A., Dufour S., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Trying to reproduce the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) under captivity: experiments with females. Oral presentation at Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture. 23-25 October 2012, Olsztyn (Poland). (Oral presentation)
Tomkiewicz, J. Reproduction of European eel: Towards a self-sustained aquaculture (PRO-EEL). Oral presentation at European Aquaculture Conference EA2011, Rhodes 18-21 October 2011 (Greece)
Baeza, R., Butts, I.A.E. Vílchez, M.C. Gallego, V., Peñaranda, D.S., Tveiten, H., Pérez, L., Asturiano J.F., 2015. The role of lipids and fatty acids throughout spermatogenesis of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and effect of diets on reproductive performance. Conference Poster at Congreso: 10th Congress of the Iberian Association of Comparative Endocrinology (AIEC). September 23-25 2015
Atkinson C., Pasquier J., Lafont A.G., Dufour S., 2012, Ongoing studies on eel GnIH systems. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Bouilliart M., De Kegel B., J. Christiaens, Adriaens D., 2012. 3D Phenotypic model and functional feeding performance of larval European eel (15 DPF). Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Asturiano J.F. Pérez L., Gallego V., Peñaranda D.S., Mazzeo I., Baeza R., Vilchez C., Sørensen S.R., Tomkiewicz J., Støttrup J., Jacobsen C., Dufour S., Lafont A.G., Lauesen P., van den Thillart G., Tveiten H., 2012. Spermatogenesis and sperm production, selection and storage. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Asturiano J.F., Mazzeo I., Gallego V., Ciccotti E., Heinsbroek L.T.N., Pérez L., Capoccioni F., 2012. Age determination of female European eels leaving the Albufera lagoon (Valencia, Spain) during its reproductive migration. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Asturiano J.F., Pérez L., 2012. Intentando reproducir en cautividad a la anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla): experimentación con machos. Oral presentation at IV Jornadas Ibéricas de Ictiología. Situación actual y retos de futuro, July, Girona (spain). Abstract book, p. 36
Asturiano J.F., Sørensen S.R., Pérez L., Lauesen P., Tomkiewicz J. 2012. Effect of preservation temperature and cryopreservation on European eel sperm fertilization capacity. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Poster presentation)
Baeza R., Mazzeo I., Moya J., Vílchez M.C., Gallego V., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Adapted method of fatty acid analysis in different tissues of European eel. 3rd Pro-Eel Project meeting (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Bouilliart, M., B. De Kegel, J. Christiaens, Lauesen, P., Tomkiewicz, J., D. Adriaens. 2012. 3D Phenotypic model and functional feeding performance of larval European eel (15 DPF). 3rd Pro-Eel Project meeting (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Burgerhout, E., Tudorache, C., Brittijn, S., Palstra, A., Dirks, R. & van den Thillart, G. (2012). Male silver eels swim more efficient in groups. 3rd Pro-Eel Project meeting (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Combarnous Y., Cahoreau C., 2012, Recombinant gonadotropin subunits and antibodies. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
de Wijze DL, Dirks RP, Minegishi Y, Spaink HP, van den Thillart GEEJM. (2012). Eel-specific cellular implants and bioassays toward artificial maturation of the European eel . (2012) PRO-EEL Project meeting; March 28-30, Valencia, Spain
de Wijze D.L., Burgerhout E., Minegish Y. Jansen H., Brittijn S., Dirks R., Spaink H., van den Thillart G., 2012. Cellular implants as a new tool to stimulate sexual maturation in eels. 3rd Pro-Eel Project meeting (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Dufour, S., Tomkiewicz, J., Krüger-Johnsen, M., van den Thillart, G., Lafont, A.G., Pasquier, J., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., Tveiten, H., Lauesen, P., 2012, Neuro-endocrine function and novel treatments for maturation. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Dufour, S., Pasquier, J., Lafont, A.G., Maugars, G., Morini, M., Jolly, C, Fontaine, R., Rousseau, K., Pasqualini, C., 2012, Impact of genome duplication on fish neuroendocrine functions, 38ème colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie, 19-21 September 2012, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (Invited oral communication)
Gallego V., Carneiro P.F.C., Mazzeo I., Vílchez M.C., Baeza R., Peñaranda D.S., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F. 2012. Standardization of European eel sperm motility evaluation by CASA software. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Poster presentation)
Gallego V., Martínez-Pastor F., Mazzeo I., Peñaranda D.S., Herráez M.P., Asturiano J.F., Pérez L. 2012. Ions involved in European eel sperm motility. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Gallego V., Peñaranda D.S., Mazzeo I., Vílchez M.C., Carneiro P.F.C., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., 2012. European eel (Anguilla anguilla) males reproductive performance during induced sexual maturation. Effect of thermal regime and hormonal treatment. 3rd Pro-Eel Project meeting (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Hardman L., Lafont A.G., Pasquier J., Dufour S., 2012, Ongoing studies on eel corticosteroid receptors. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Heinsbroek L., 2012. Broodstock nutritional requirements and benchmark analyses. Main Results. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Henkel C., Minegishi Y., Burgerhout E., de Wijze D., Dirks R., Jansen H., Spaink H., Dufour S., Weltzien F.A., Tsukamoto K., van den Thillart G., 2012. Genome sequence of the European eel and its application in ovarian gene expression profiling. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Hjermitslev N.H., Tomkiewicz J., 2012. Production of larvae diets. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Holst L., Støttrup J., Corraze G., Heinsbroek L., Kausik S. 2012. Production of broodstock diets. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Jolly C., Pasqualini C., Prézeau L., Dufour S., 2012, Two eel dopamine D2 receptors: which one is mediating the inhibitory control of reproduction? Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Kausik, S., Josianne Støttrup, Charlotte Jacobsen, Jonna Tomkiewicz, Michiel Kotterman, Genevieve Corraze, Peter Lauesen, Leon Heinsbroek, Lars Holst. Broodstock condition and nutrition. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Kjørsvik, E. and Davidsen, M. 2012. Incubation temperature and embryonic development. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Davidsen M., Sørensen S.R., Kjørsvik E., 2012. Early ontogeny and muscle development. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Kotterman M., Contaminants in eel; less healthy for humans or plain deadly for eel? Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Lafont A.G., Morini M., Pasquier J., Rousseau K., Dufour S., 2012, Involvement of the duplicated leptin/leptin receptor system in the sexual maturation of the European eel, Anguilla Anguilla. Poster presentation at the 38ème colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie, 19-21 September 2012, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (Poster)
Lafont A.G., Pasquier J., Rousseau K., Dufour S., 2012, Duplication du génome des téléostéens et récepteurs stéroidiens chez l'anguille, Oral presentation at the scientific meeting “Journées scientifiques de l’UMR BOREA”, 14-15 May 2012, Caen, France
Lafont A.G., Tomkiewicz J., Dufour S., 2012, Multiple sex steroid receptors in the eel, with a special focus on the liver. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Lund I., Steenfeldt S.J., Tomkiewicz J., Lauesen P. 2012. Larval rearing and feeding experiments. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Mazurais D., Zambonino J.L., 2012. New insights into digestive enzyme development in eel larvae. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Mazzeo I., Baeza R., Gallego V., Vílchez M.C., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Thermal regime effect on fatty acid mobilization during vitellogenesis in European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Mazzeo I., Giorgini E., Gioacchini G., Maradonna F., Dufour S., Asturiano J.F., Carnevali O., Pérez L. 2012. Molecular building of developing eel oocytes: histological, biochemical and spectroscopic studies. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Poster presentation).
Mazzeo I., Baeza R., Gallego V., Vílchez M.C., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F. 2012. Thermal regime effect on fatty acid mobilization during vitellogenesis in European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.). Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
McEvoy F., Lene E. Buelund, Eiliv L. Svalastoga, Sebastian Politis, Maria Krüger-Johnsen, Jonna Tomkiewicz 2012. Imaging features of eels during artificially induced ovarian maturation. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
van der Meeren T., Jensen A.M. Harboe T., 2012. The silo gradient system as incubation unit for the pre-feeding stages of the European eel Anguilla anguilla. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Morini M., Lafont A.G., Van den Thillart G., Dufour S., 2012, Eel leptin system in the European eel Anguilla anguilla, Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Munk P., Skov P.W., Sørensen S.R., Tomkiewicz J., Adrians D., Zambonino J., Kjørsvik E. 2012. Development and quality assessment of embryos and larvae. Oral presentation at the 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation).
Munk P., Tomkiewicz J., Sørensen S.R. Pargana A., Lauesen P., Graver C., 2012. Morphological and development differences among larvae from PRO-EEL Series A and B. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Müller T., Matsubara H., Kubara Y., Horváth Á., Urbányi B., Horváth L., Asturiano J.F., Peñaranda D.S., Adachi S., Arai K., Yamaha E. 2012. Artificial hybridisation between Japanese eel females (Anguilla japonica) and European eel males (A. anguilla) by using cryopreserved sperm. Oral presentation at the 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Pasquier J, Lafont AG, Rousseau K, Dufour S, 2012, Origine and evolution of the kisspeptin/kisspeptin receptor system in vertebrates. Poster presentation at the 38ème colloque de la Société de Neuroendocrinologie, 19-21 September 2012, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (Poster)
Pasquier J., Lafont A.G., Denis F., Van den Thillart G., Tomkiewicz J., Vaudry H., Rousseau K., Dufour S., 2012, Characterization of eel Kisspeptin systems and new insights on vertebrate evolution of kiss receptors, Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain
Pasquier J., Lafont A.G., Rousseau K., Dufour S., 2012, Le système kisspeptin chez l’anguille européenne: évolution et fonctionnalité, Oral presentation at the scientific meeting “Journées scientifiques de l’UMR BOREA”, 14-15 May 2012, Caen, France
Peñaranda D.S., Gallego V., Mazzeo I., Vílchez M.C., Carneiro P.F.C., Tveiten H., Dirks R.P., van den Thillart G.E.E.J.M., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Expression of steroidogenic enzymes in European eel males during induced sexual maturation under three thermal regimes, and relationship with sperm quality parameters. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Intentando reproducir en cautividad a la anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla): experimentación con hembras. Oral presentation at IV Jornadas Ibéricas de Ictiología. Situación actual y retos de futuro, July, Girona (spain). Abstract book, p. 36
Pérez L., Johnsen M.K., Dufour S., Lafont A.G., Mazzeo I., Tveiten H., McEvoy F., Buelund L., Svalastoga E., Lauesen P., Vitellogenesis and re-allocation of body stores. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Pérez L., Mazzeo I., Peñaranda D.S., Gallego V., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi R., Tveiten H., Dufour S., Weltzien F.A., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Effect of thermal regime on the expression of key reproductive genes during hormonally-induced vitellogenesis in European eel females. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
De Schryver, P., Sørensen S.R., Tomkiewicz J., Zambonino J., Lauesen P., van der Meeren T., Jensen A.M., Kjørsvik E. 2012. Fertilization, incubation and larval rearing techniques. Oral presentation at 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Skov P.W., 2012. Neuromast development in larvae from captive broodstock. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Støttrup J., Jacobsen C., Tomkiewicz J., Holst L.K., Krüger-Johnsen M., Graver C., Lauesen P. 2012. Fatty acids in broodstock eel. Status for data and results with focus on Series A. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Sørensen S.R., Gallego V., Pérez L., Tomkiewicz J., Asturiano J.F., 2012. Evaluation of different methods for the quantification of European eel spermatozoa for in vitro fertilization assays. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Sørensen S.R., Lauesen P., Munk P., Tomkiewicz J., 2012. Quality criteria and biophysical characteristics of fertilized eggs.Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Sørensen S.R., , Munk P., Lauesen P. Tomkiewicz J., 2012. Effects of activation salinity on fertilisation rate and egg development in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) matured in captivity. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Tomkiewicz, J. 2012. PRO-EEL protocols to reproduce eels and culture larvae – halfway results and core challenges. Oral presentation at 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Tomkiewiz J., Johnsen M.K., Graver G., Lauesen P. 2012. Overview over tasks and experiments – different series, broodstocks and results. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
Tomkiewicz, J., Støttrup, J., Lauesen, P., Sørensen, S.R., Tveiten, H., Asturiano, J.F., Jacobsen, C., Kaushik, S., Dufour, S., Munk, P., Lafont, A.-G., Perez, L., Corraze, G., Kjørsvik, E, De Schryver, P., Adriaens, D., Bouilliart, M, McEvoy, van der Thillart, G.,F., Krüger-Johnsen, M., Holst, L.K. 2012. Reproduction of European Eel: Towards a Self-Sustained Aquaculture (PRO-EEL). EuroTier, 13–16 November 2012, Hannover, Germany. (Invited oral presentation)
Tveiten H., Sørensen, S.R., Tomkiewicz, J., Van den Thillart G., Dufour S., Pérez L., Lauesen P., 2012. Final oocyte maturation and ovulation. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Vílchez M.C., Mazzeo I., Peñaranda D.S., Gallego V., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi R., Tveiten H., Dufour S., Asturiano J.F., Weltzien F.A., Pérez L., 2012. Study of vitellogenesis in female European eel under different thermal regimes. Oral presentation at the 3rd PRO-EEL Project Meeting, 26-30 March 2012, Valencia, Spain. (Oral presentation)
van den Thillart Guido E.E.J.M. Dufour S., Lafont A.G., Pérez L., Asturiano J.F., Tveiten H. 2012. Broodstock selection and natural triggers for maturation. 1st PRO-EEL Collaborative Workshop (Valencia, Spain). (Oral presentation)
Asturiano, J.F., Mazzeo, I., Gallego, V., Ciccotti, E., Pérez, L., Capoccioni, F., 2011. Estimación de la edad en que las hembras de anguila (A. anguilla) de la Albufera de Valencia realizan su migración reproductiva. XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura. Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain), 21-24 November. (Spanish).
Baeza, R., Mazzeo, I., Gallego, V., Vílchez, M.C., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Estudio del efecto del régimen térmico sobre la movilización de ácidos grasos en hembras de anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla, L.) durante la maduración sexual inducida. XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura. Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain), 21-24 November. (Spanish).
Gallego, V., Mazzeo, I., Carneiro, P., Vílchez, M.C., Baeza, R., Peñaranda, D.S., Barrera, R., Pérez, L., Asturiano, J.F., 2011. Producción de esperma de anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla) bajo tres regímenes térmicos y tres tratamientos hormonales. XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura. Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain), 21-24 November. (Spanish).
Vílchez, M.C., Mazzeo, I., Baeza, R., Gallego, V., Peñaranda, D.S., Asturiano, J.F., Pérez, L., 2011. Efecto del régimen térmico en la vitelogénesis de la anguila europea (Anguilla anguilla). XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura. Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain), 21-24 November. (Spanish).
Asturiano, J.F. 2010. Últimos avances en la investigación en la control de la reproducción de anguilas en cautividad (Last advances on the research on the control of eels reproduction under captivity) Invited speaker: I JORNADAS ESPAÑOLAS DE LA ANGUILA, San Sebastian 28-30 September 2010.
Asturiano, J.F., 2010. Presentación del Grupo de Acuicultura y Biodiversidad (ICTA-UPV) + Avances en la investigación en el control de la reproducción de anguilas en cautividad (Introduction to the Group of Aquaculture and Biodiversity (ICTA-UPV) + Advances on the research on the control of reproduction of eels under captivity). Invited speaker during visit to EMBRAPA Tabuleiros Costeiros (Aracajú) Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Brazil.
Tomkiewicz, J. 2010. PRO-EEL: Reproduction of European eel – towards a self-sustained aquaculture. Invited speaker: I JORNADAS ESPAÑOLAS DE LA ANGUILA, San Sebastian 28-30 September 2010.