Work plan strategy

The strategy of the project is to perform experiments where researchers from complementing disciplines will contribute to extend the knowledge base and develop tools for application in full scale experiments that ranges from rearing broodstock to culture of feeding larvae. 

The project is structured into an interdisciplinary suite of 11 work packages (WP’s). The backbone of the project is a research facility operated in WP1 that serves as common scientific basis for full scale controlled experiments. A suite of work packages WP 2 to WP 9 comprise researchers with complementing expertises which each addresses a specific step in the process of reproduction and with each work package lead by a key expert within the particular discipline. The core of each of these WP’s is to perform basic research within their discipline and develop specific methods and criteria to be tested in integrated protocols in the full scale experiments performed as part of WP1. Three different series of experiments are planned covering one each year of the project with the 2 first periods extending 8-10 months and the final 6-8 months.  

A scientific steering committee (SSC), WP10 lead by the coordinator, will coordinate the activities of the project including design and approval of protocols for full scale experiments, while the project management will ensure communication, monitor workflow and facilitate dissemination and interaction with interested researchers, stakeholders and the public through two networks and a series of workshops.